vrijdag 3 oktober 2014

Executive Coaching: The GROW model

What is the GROW Model?

GROW stands for: 

 - Goal
 - Reality
 - Opportunity
 - Wrap-up

The GROW coaching model  is probably the best-known coaching model. Many coach training programmes use this model as the framework for developing the coaching relationship.
The power of the GROW coaching model is that it leads to a clearly defined end result through four phases. The coachee is personally active in identifying problems and generating ideas for solutions. The means that anything that comes out of the coaching session has a lot of chance to stick.
The GROW coaching model stands for learning through experience: reflection, insight, making choices and pursuing them. The success of a coaching trajectory with the GROW coaching model also depends on the time and energy invested into the process by the client.

G – Goal:
This is the client’s goal for the session – and while it doesn’t have to be specific or ‘SMART’ it does need to be enough to give the session a clear purpose understood by both the client and the coach. For example, a session goal might be to establish a bigger goal or to gain some clarity in live – it just has to be enough for the coach to keep the client on track. One of the things that makes coaching different from many other therapies is the focus on action and change. A session goal helps to keep the client focused and when the session drifts it gives the coach the ability to say, “We seem to be heading in a different direction here, is this what you want?” A session goal can be ‘evolved’ as the session unfolds. And occasionally the ‘real’ goal of the session may not come out until the end when the coach asks the client what his/her biggest win of the session was. This is when the client realizes the ‘goal’ for the session was simply to feel heard, to commit to themselves or to feel challenged or supported. When the coach ensures the client understands what they want to get out of the session – he/she ensures the client receives value from coaching – and that the client will continue to learn and grow.

R – Reality:
Reality is about the client understanding his/her situation and how he/she got there. It’s where the coach questions, challenges, reframes and reflects back to the client where they are, what they’ve done so far, what’s working and what isn’t. It’s about really getting into where the client is right now and why. It should include talking about feelings and digging into emotions, gut-feelings and intuition – often new or uncharted frontiers for the client.

O – Opportunity: If the client could solve their problems alone they would have done it. Often what they need from the coach is help in brainstorming, a push or some support to take an action they have been putting off. It may involve tweaking an existing action, challenging and inspiring them to make an action bigger or it could also mean shrinking an action to make it more achievable. Either way, a good dig around in the different options and opportunities to find actions and solutions that really work for the client pays huge dividends in moving the client forward.

W – Wrap-up:
The essence of coaching is change – some sort of action – even if the action is to change the way they do something, to stop doing something or even do nothing! I always make sure every client leaves their session committed to at least one action otherwise the session would simply be a conversation. And while a conversation can be helpful – nothing changes unless something changes.

Here are some examples of GROW coaching questions to use during each stage of the GROW model. They certainly aren’t intended as an exhaustive list and the questions to be asked during a coaching conversation will be determined by the dialogue between the client and coach at any one point in time.

What do you want to achieve?
What is important to you right now?
What would you like to get from the next 30 minutes?
What areas do you want to work on?
Describe your perfect world.
What do you want to achieve as a result of this session?
What will make you feel this time has been well spent?

Where are you now in relation to your goal?
On a scale of 1 -10 where are you?
What has contributed to your success so far?
What skills/knowledge/attributes do you have?
What progress have you made so far?
What is working well right now?
What is required of you?

What opportunities do you have?
How have you tacked this/ a similar situation before?
What could you do differently?
Who do you know who has encountered a similar situation?
Give me 5 options
If anything was possible what would you do?
What else?

Wrap up
Which options work best for you?
What one small step are you going to take now?
What actions will you take?
When are you going to start?
Who will help you?
How will you know you have been successful
How will you ensure that you do it?
On a scale of 1 -10 how committed /motivated are you to doing it?

The GROW model is based on the principle that everyone has the potential to develop and improve themselves, but just need help to unlock their potential.  It encourages people to take responsibility for their own actions, which results in commitment, and therefore optimizes performance.

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